1995 - 1995
University master plan of the 164 hectare Campbelltown Campus came about through the threat of government resumption of parts of the site not being utilised by the university.
The master plan in essence develops the original Phillip Cox linear site plan, essentially buildings arranged along a pedestrian spine like beads on a string.
With accelerated development of the campus it was deemed necessary to duplicate the original linear master plan creating parallel and inter-linked pedestrian circulation spines.
The new master plan also addressed the overall 164 hectare site by creating inter-related development zones extending beyond the linear spines to include research and teaching zones, student residential and recreational zones, technology park, cultural development zones, enhancement of wetland areas and ridgeline reforestation zones.
Fast forward to 2020 and a WSU / developer joint venture has seen much of the land developed as residential estates, however the core academic and student residential masterplan remains intact.